Saturday, October 13, 2012


HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign

Poster or print advertisement sending a message to persuade people about something they should care. Here is a sample of  HIV Awareness Campaign poster by STIR. This poster tells the effect of AIDS to people and the amount of peoples get AIDS in certain country. The image of poster shows hypodermic needle, a mother carry her child also  money. It giving us a question to answers.

Check them out and Think :
  • Do you care to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS?
  • Do you care for the people who are HIV positive?
  • Can you make difference by bringing awareness in lives of people?

A concept for this poster is HIV / AIDS kills people and the idea is red ribbon, logo of HAAC (HIV Awareness Campaign) and using some pictures relates with HIV. This poster can make people think and ask  to themselves what will be happen in the future. People will empathy and scared with the features described on pictures. People must protect the world from HIV / AIDS because it has no cures. When we try once it can kill us and our futures. Not only that infection will make someone do isolation. People need to think about others also who get HIV without doing the wrong things. They need a support and don't blame them. 

This poster attract people with a strong black colour to open people mind. The poster using the fact about people amount it might straight to the point. It is effective by using the true image relating the concept. People  will touch after look at the poster and will aware with AIDS.  

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